Virtual 'Wii'ality

     For my senior project I designed and built a working virtual reality system. Inspired by Johnny Lee's Wiimote headtracking, I sought to use a similar method of Wiimote headtracking combined with a pair of VR920's to create and immersive VR experience. I was fotunate enought to recieve a Reseach Fellowship from the University of Tampa's Honors Department. This fellowship included a stipend to help fund my research, and I will be presenting my work on April 22 (if I am not mistaken) at the University of Tampa (Please contact me for details). The first time I presented my work was as part of my BFA Exit show and although it fell upon a croud who came to see art, it was rather well recieved. I may also get a chance to speak at and attend a regional conference held in St. Petersburg, if I am indeed chosen, I will get to present my work there are well.
     To read a more in-depth expanation of my research click here.